Vitres Ultra Nettes
Vitres Ultra Nettes will donate 1% of their sales for the 2022 season to Moisson Rive-Sud.
Don’t wait any longer. Join in and make a great impact in the Montérégie.

À la course
Another great collaboration we are so proud of!
An online store, offering beautiful notepads that will help you remember everything to get when shopping! À la course gives Moisson Rive-Sud $2 on every item sold.
It is also possible to arrange for very engaging virtual training sessions.

Le Bonhommes à lunettes
Who is Bonhomme? Bonhomme is a community-based prescription optician offering quality eyewear at reasonable prices. In addition, he donates $10 from every purchase to a partner community organization.
Be sure to make a reservation before coming in by contacting Le Bonhomme à lunettes at 514-303-4315. For more information, visit bonhommealunettes.org

Sois écolo
Sois Écolo is a company specializing in the sale of gift boxes with local products for which Moisson Rive-Sud receives 25% of each sale..
Whether themed gift boxes by season or by occasion, you will find pre-designed sets allowing you to support an SME that was born in Montérégie, support local businesses through their products that are featured and fuel the life due to the portion given to Moisson Rive-Sud.